The Lantern's Way #2: There's a G-G-G-Ghost!


The Lantern's Way #2: There's a G-G-G-Ghost!


Hello friends! I don’t know about you, but Lucé of It’s Always Halloween podcast and I are starting to feel a little spooky. The skeleton decorations are already hung, the paper witches are on the kitchen cabinets. It’s time to scare ourselves silly.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce the second issue of The Lantern’s Way, the only handmade zine made for and by the community of Lanterns surrounding It’s Always Halloween podcast! Last year we focused on your Halloween costumes. This year, we want your ghost stories! Did it happen to you? Did it happen to someone you know? Maybe it’s a bit of family lore? Maybe it’s your dog with a bedsheet thrown over him? We want it all!

And don’t worry, we got the crew of regulars together again: I, Joe Carlough, will design, print, and assemble the zines in my home studio; Lucé will include her own favorite spooky facts, a welcome letter, and more; GrimTern Nathan Cunliffe will contribute his own eerie illustrations; Defectivepudding’s deceptively sweet art will grace the cover; our favorite haunted heroine (and known Halloweenhead) Katie Haegele will include an all new introduction to the best time of year; lastly, gobs & goblins of submissions from YOU, the Lanterns!

Pick up a copy today, and when it arrives in the mail, head under your bedsheets with a flashlight and try not to stay up all night because you know that with us, It’s Always Halloween!

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